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Ankle Socks
Graphic Socks that only go on as high as your ankles.
10g 5g +2HP None
Cotton Socks
Graphic Socks made out of cotton materials.
18g 9g +4HP None
Haut Socks
Graphic Socks that reach up to your knees.
30g 15g +8HP None
Wool Socks
Graphic Socks with an outter lining of wool, and an nner lining of cotton, they keep your feet warm.
50g 25g +10HP None
Silk Socks
Graphic Socks made of silk, they have a habit of falling down.
Xg 100g +2HP None
Rem Socks
Graphic Socks with padding cusions fitted over the footbed.
110g 55g +16HP None